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09 February, 2016

That Night


That Night


The crisp warm glint in her eye caught my wandering gaze.

I had seen her before this night

Two weeks ago in this same space

And her sitting in the same place.

Now here we are this evening with winter closing in,

The colds chill stings like frozen wasps

And shakes your bones and nerve like a bartender  mixing cocktails,

There she was, and here I sat.

Our eyes locked onto one another in a stare

She stirred her drink with her straw


And with purpose,

I tried to not pay attention through the seemingly pretentious stirring

But alas how could I not, I mean she was undeniably beautiful.

Under severe exhaustion

I could not place reality,

My fatigue had been gaining steam

As burning the proverbial candle at both ends was biting and chomping at my ankles.

I wasn’t even sure why I was a this bar

If she was real

Or hell if, THIS, was even real.

Through this momentary lapse of concentration

She had moved herself to the stool next to mine

And only when she said in a mild mannered, warm, caring, confident voice

“Hello, my name is,”

And with her right hand non polished finger nails now extended “Erin.”

Did I know that this was not some hallucination begetting myself?

Or that this wasn’t the exhaustion pouring its weight onto me?

No, in fact this place was as real as the seat you are sitting in now.

I extended my hand as well and lightly shook hers and said
“Erin, it’s a pleasure to meet you my name is Daniel.”


His hand was cold as he lightly grasped and shook mine.

So lightly in fact I thought I was shaking the wind.

Maybe he was hiding something

Or maybe he was just shy

Either way it was a feeling that did not make me nervous, nor make me scared

It was a feeling that made me comfortable

Considering the schlubs I had been meeting lately

And my track record for assholes this was a pleasant feeling to have, finally.

Danny wore thick black glasses, a gray suit, black tie, brown fedora, and brown loafers to match.

A business man I thought, maybe a writer, maybe a writer of business

All I knew was I had seen him in here before.

Two weeks ago the night Tom decided my best friend was more befitting his taste than I.

Danny nodded along and said

“I do remember you from that night. I said nothing because, well, I don’t know,”

I stumbled upon my words trying to understand why this beautiful woman was talking with me,

Of all schlubs to be talking to,

So I muttered

“I didn’t say anything because I just assume, as I do now, that there is some lucky fella whom you will either be meeting shortly or later this evening, and along with my shyness I couldn’t bring myself to a simple introduction.”


His tone was not that of excitement, rather, it was more like a balanced calm inviting tone.

Yes, I am well aware of my beauty by the way, and I am well aware of how gorgeous I am

I would not say this out loud though

But hearing him speak in such a way felt like the first time hearing these observations of myself.


I sat reveling in the words that just stumbled out of my mouth

What the hell did I just do?

Was that too much?

Had I just created a disaster?

I mean I am used to it at this point.

I sat expecting more of the same she will now spill her drink over my head, call it an accident, and we’ll go our own ways.

But yet she stayed.

She didn’t run.

In her eyes I could see thought

Have I dumbfounded her?

Certainly she has heard these words before?


He literally left me dumbfounded

What was I to do?

I mean, this drink is already stirred enough

Anymore stirring and this drink is going to evaporate into the thin air.

I took a breath and a pause and simply said

“Thank you, and I am here alone. To whom are you waiting on?”

“I suppose I’ve been waiting for you.”


Where the night went we were not entirely sure.

I mean one can guess

One can hope

But the truth is far more interesting than hopes and aspirations.

We sat through the evening while people filed in and people filed out

Drinks were drank

Tabs were paid

The stools were being put upon the bar and tables

And we just sat,

Together and left alone.  

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