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09 February, 2016

Oh These Hearts


Oh these hearts



Oh the hearts of men whose lashes from whips sting me so.

The daily grind of my feet to my knees on this concrete floor

For fat rich men to indulge most gluttonously in their fat and their rich

Plagues my heart and wearies my soul.


Oh these hearts of men whose shackles bind my own heart’s content

Where and how do we go?

Where and how do we get our chance at the fruits of a better life?

Work you say?

Get a job you say?

Fall in line and take your turn on the assembly line parade

Revolving around and around and around?

Your parents did it,

Their parents did it,

And now, look at you doing it too.

That 401k gets put away.

That’s right, fall in line and take your seat

For the rapturing fate of this eventual demise will surely turn to a lullaby.


All this money, all that means nothing,

For when I die will any of this come with me?

For when I die will any of these, things come with me?

For when I cease to make another revolution on the endless cycle

Will the car, the house, the computer, the phone, the 401k

Will any of this come with me?

But fall in line with these hearts of men they say.

Fall in step by step and you too can achieve that GREAT AMERICAN DREAM!


To them I say,


To them I move myself to a blasphemous rhythm

To them I play chameleon

To them I put on the face

I put on the boots and I come in.

Punch the time card eight hours punch out.

I play the game because I gotta keep the lights on right?

But what I have inside of me

What dream lies in wait that inspires me?

What feeling resides inside of the depths of my sou?

I write right here for the taking.

I get to do what I love and I escape this machined existence.

I escape to the hills, or the fields that reside in images that, like a blanket, cover my mind and take me to a place where I can go,

For me,

For my own time away.


Oh the hearts of men that have made me wise

The ones that told me don’t be like me

The one that gave me the strength to defy this machined lullaby,

And the one that continues to do so day in and day out.

 I play your game with my steel toe boots laced up,

Merely, simply, and only because I have to

Not for want or need, but for have.


Oh the hearts of men release your shackle and fear

And live with the compassion of billions of hearts and minds

See, listen, and feel the words from your fellow brother and sister

Hear them listen to them as they explain their disdain

For to blow us off

To bid no favor to our voice

But most important,

To not do what is just and right

Is a travesty that far surpasses any moral comprehension?


Oh hearts of men your fear plagues you so

Your fear has infested your mind the way the beetle bores its way through the trunk of the tree.

Your fear consumes you the way the quicksand swallows all in its wake.

Fear can be addressed this is true

Fear can be grasped, this is true

Alas do not fear what is just and what is right.

The compensation for such awaits you in the end,

Sheer and unlimited gratitude,

This holds no price

Has no value of money

Knows nothing of silver or gold,

And gives nothing in return, other than tearful smiles.


Oh these hearts of ours, we can end the fear through a smile

Oh these hearts of ours, we can move MOUNTAINS of disgust

Oh the hearts of us,

Let us live.

Let us breathe in the night air

Let us be the folly of our own emotion

Let us just live.

Oh the hearts of us,

Together we can mend un-sewn souls.

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