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03 January, 2018

Welcome To the New Year!

       Wanted to take a moment and wish you all a Happy New Year, and thank you for reading. For this new year the plan is to post more frequently. Either rambling thoughts, something more concise, or the standard album review or show review. Which there is one that I truly excited about, and more details to come on that soon. 
       The rambling thoughts are anything having to do with poetry or my musings on questions that I ask I myself on a frequent basis. There are few in the works either almost complete, barely done, or just an idea and I'm hoping to polish them all up and get them posted. There a wide range of concepts such as politics, sports, and one about religion. These are just rambling thoughts. Meant to think over and about, but never for too long. 
    The "something more concise" could be any of the above along with, and not limited to, stories that I have composed or again anything more complete and finished. Which again there is one story that is completely finished and that I am proud of, and I have more ideas as well. The notes app on my phone is filled with them, and my documents folder on my computer here at work is also filled but with the more complete versions and some that are merely ideas. 
   All of this is to give you the reader a look into what I have in store for the coming year. I do have a busy job that can get kind of crazy, but I will do my wholesale best to post more frequently. That could mean once a week, once every other week, once a month, or getting crazy twice a week. There is a wealth of topics to talk about, and there is a gargantuan sized pit of words that has taken up residence inside my brain which I see on a regular basis. I just hope whomever is reading continues to do so, and if so inclined give it a share as well. These are simply words grouped together to make or shape the ideas and sentences that reside within me. Hope you all enjoy, and hope for a better year than last for everyone. 

Matthew J. Gronholm / Moose

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