O captain my captain
That eternal rest pains my eyes
O captain my captain
I cannot seem to lay the swell that has played my heart so well
O captain my captain
May the wind come swift and gentle
So that my soul may feel its hand
O captain my captain
On this summer evening how quick had you lost hope
O captain my captain
Oh how the dark must've felt
With its cold gravelly hands
And its rank breathe to which the smell was displeasing to say the least
O captain my captain
How could you not see the warm?
O captain my captain
How could you get so lost amongst loved ones and friends?
O captain my captain
My understanding of this is quite real
O captain my captain
I've done my own share of slipping under the dark,
But that cold gravelly hand i never let take hold
O captain my captain
It is profoundly deafening the sadness left within me
O captain my captain
Please find the light to where you may find your peace
O captain my captain
For sun's will set and moon's will rise
And like the waves going back and forth to shore and then back to sea
I will see you O captain my Captain
Once around the infinite eternity
O Captain my Captain
I will see again when the rains stop falling...
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