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08 February, 2014

Ben Knight & David Faul
"The Apple Hill Sessions"
      Over the course of November and December of 2013 Ben Knight, from Ben Knight and the Welldiggers, and David Faul (formerly of Terminal Union and now with Josh Eagle and the Harvest City along with doing his own thing), got together and to work on some Travis style picking arrangements and songs. As the sessions were going well they decided to record a couple of these songs at David Faul's Apple Hill studio.
      Six songs made it onto this lovely EP. That however you listen to music, whether it be in your car just driving around or at home while lounging, resurrects a style that has been hidden in the underground. With Travis picking not being very much in the forefront, or in popular realms of music nowadays, these two gentlemen decided to pay homage to a style very much a part of them. And, for a moment introduce their fans and supporters to something a little different.
    With "Cannonbal Rag" as the opener to this EP, a song by Kennedy Jones, they lay the groundwork for the listener. The picking can take your mind back to a time that seems lost in this day and age. Hopping the rail with no penny to your name and seeing where this train will take you. "Homebody Blues" a song written by Ben Knight pretty much sums up how most people can feel sometimes. Just wanting to stay in and lounge around. "Deep River Blues" (Delmore Brothers), and "I'll See You In My Dreams" (Isham Jones) two songs that envoke a style that both Ben and Dave enjoy and wanted to share. "Apple Seed" closes out this fifteen minutes of chemisty between tow of the best songwriter's this city has to offer.  A Ben Knight and David Faul original. Won't say much else to this than if you see them pick up a copy for yourself. If you can't see them message David Faul at for any orders.
    They came together out of a jam session and respect and love for each other, and at David Faul's Apple Hill Studio's messed around and layed some tracks down. Through that session of getting together realized they needed to get this EP out quick as Christmas was coming up. Luck for us they "clicked" and put this little gem together. The similarities of influence and style are right here within these fifteen minutes. Hopefully, in the future they would be kind enough to do something a little longer, but until then check out this EP. Go take a listen to Ben Knight and the Welldiggers at any of the numerous shows they have around town. As well as head on over to The Crow's Nest for David Faul's artist in residence there for the month of February. These two songwriter's and friends wanted to share the connection that music can bring, and here it is waiting to be heard.


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