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22 July, 2016

Justin Payne: The Northwest Ohio Vagabond

Justin Payne: The Northwest Ohio Vagabond

My Favorite Color is Black

My Favorite Color is Black

By: Moose Gronholm

My favorite color is black
Not for the darkness that resides in it
But for the people that bare its color. 

For the jazz that swings when I write
For the speeches by their leaders that move me to tears
For the songs and poetry that reside within it’s body. 

My favorite color is black
For us both bleed the same color red
For us both struggle with our day to day
The only difference is I’m white. 

The only difference is my struggle fails in comparison. 
I can walk to the corner store
I can bike wherever I would like
I can drive with driver side headlight out
I can do all of this without the worry of the “boys in blue.”

My favorite color is black
For how much they give and humbly reside.
For how much they care and their passion within. 
For how much they put up with, and still move forward. 

My favorite color is black
Because my heart and my eyes can no longer take these swells, 
Because my heart lays heavy within my chest when more senseless violence occurs, 
Because my eyes drain their salty liquid that streams down my cheeks and into my beard. 
Because I, 
I cannot begin to understand their day to day. 
As much as it may be like mine;
Wake up 
Go to work
And do it all over again, 
There is still that chance today. 
There is still that chance that somebody will say or do something. 
We are all far from perfect
We are all going to make mistakes, 
But the least we can do is show a shred of compassion. 
The least we can do is apologize for stepping on a toe, 
The least we can do is think before we speak
The least we can do is treat each other as equals. 

My favorite color is black
For no other reason than it just is.
Because your souls beautiful
Because just there are some bad apples
But we aren’t all bad. 
Because your women Nubian goddesses
Inside and out;
Because the passion that resides within you is infectious
Because I am inspired by you.

My favorite color is black 
When everyone else has either blue, green, or purple
But me
Black is bold. 
Black is strong. 
Black is passionate
Black is caring 
Black is sensitive
Black and me while different 
Have similarities too.